Dad, I woke up, it's time to play! 🇬🇧 🇪🇸


Candy 😸, this new member of the family, an alpha male of only 7 months old, was adopted a short time ago. He came to us very small, docile and with eyes that reflected anguish.

He was brought to us by a person who found him in the street. He had no home or family to take him in. The iris of his eyes, caramel or honey colored, inspired his name.
We could see in his behavior a great explorer sense. We received him with much affection and having him at home, would help us to lessen the sadness of having lost our dog of years, called Curioso, who touched our hearts and the neighborhood for his nobility.

Candy sleeps well relaxed in various places in the house. While he does so, he is very calm; but a few minutes after waking up from a restful sleep, he becomes an inveterate hunter, a boy scout who does not stop making mischief and even a seducer who knows how to please the nearby felines.




...It's time to play!

Candy 🐈 upon waking up, got into a shoebox, to let me know he was ready to start his leisure time and get into mischief. He started to disturb the quiet life of Panther. Our older cat, who just wants to spend her last few moons in the quiet of her home.

Candy chases her all the time, wanting to grab her tail. She eats the food in her dish, even if it's not enough for her to devour hers first. She wants to take position, from the usual places that are Panther's preference. She gets very stressed, and when she can't stand any more indiscipline, she throws a feline claw at him to mark the limits, and see if he respects her years.


He is not content to see her being equanimous. He does not understand that she likes to spend a few minutes on my legs. To feel that close contact, as life will one day separate us physically. We have to enjoy those mutual instants of love 💕.

Candy starts to walk around the house and wants to bite or scratch 🐾 with her nails, anything that motivates to file the tips of that keratin that serves for her defense. At the same time, it is a good exercise to strengthen his muscles and be in shape.

Animals can create an affective and emotional bond with humans who protect and care for them with love. They come to see us as their parents, that figure that provides them with security. For this reason, I will write as if they see me in this way.


-Dad, now I want to play with this flower. It's soft and doesn't bother my teeth.

Candy doesn't realize that he has just cut an artificial flower he found in a vase. In seconds, he mutilated its green stem and part of its petals.


My dad loves music, he has some big wood in the living room that sounds nice. So let's go explore that dark circle that emits sound.

What have you done, Candy! That's not a log for you to file your nails on, those are my vintage speakers. You've damaged my low-frequency horn foam ring.

After my scolding, I go out for a few minutes to the room. When I arrive, I see him scraping a kitchen chair. It shows the fingernail prints of Pantera, who has tattooed that olive-colored vinyl for years; but Candy is a quick learner and has wanted to add new marks.


After a few hours, after an outpouring of her hormones, she sits down on the floor, looks at me calmly and meows, letting me know: -Daddy, it is time for my lunch. I give him the chicken and fish balls she loves so much. After filling his tummy, he goes back to bed.



I'd like to know what he dreams about, and everything that goes through his conscience. But what I am sure of, is that when he wakes up again, no one will be able to know what object he will choose to hunt, play or scratch again.

Does something similar happen to you guys with your cats, what have you destroyed in your homes? Greetings to all 😍.


¡Papá, me desperté, es hora de jugar!


Candy 😸, este nuevo miembro de la familia, un macho alfa que solo cuenta con 7 meses de nacido, fue adoptado hace poco tiempo. Llegó a nosotros bien pequeñito, dócil, y con ojitos reflejando desamparo.

Lo trajo una persona que lo encontró en la calle. No tenía un hogar ni una familia que lo acogiera. El iris de sus ojos, color caramelo o miel, inspiraron su nombre.
Se apreciaba en su conducta un gran sentido explorador. Lo recibimos con mucho cariño y tenerlo en casa, nos ayudaría a menguar la tristeza de haber perdido a nuestro perro de años, de nombre Curioso, que tocó el corazón de nosotros y del vecindario por su nobleza.

Candy duerme bien relajado en varios lugares de la casa. Mientras lo hace se muestra bien tranquilo; pero unos minutos después de que despierta de un sueño reparador, se convierte en un cazador empedernido, un chico explorador que no para hacer travesuras, y hasta en un seductor que sabe agradar a las felinas cercanas.



...¡Es hora de jugar!

Candy 🐈 al despertarse, se introdujo en una caja de zapatos, para dejarme saber que estaba listo para iniciar su momento de ocio y hacer travesuras.

Empezó a molestar la vida en calma de Pantera. Nuestra gata de años, de la tercera edad, que solo desea pasar sus lunas restantes en la tranquilidad de su hogar.

Candy la persigue todo el tiempo, deseando agarrar su cola. Le come el alimento de su plato, a pesar de que no le basta devorar primero el suyo. Quiere tomar posición, de los lugares habituales que son de la preferencia de Pantera. Ella se estresa mucho, y cuando no aguanta más indisciplina, le lanza un zarpazo felino para marcar los límites, y ver si respeta sus años.


ÉL no se conforma con verla ecuánime. No entiende que a ella le gusta estar unos minutos sobre mis piernas. Sentir ese contacto cercano, ya que la vida un día nos separará físicamente. Hay que disfrutar esos mutuos instantes de amor 💕.

Candy empieza a dar recorrido por la casa y querer morder o raspar 🐾 con sus uñas, todo lo que le motive para limar las puntas de esa queratina que le sirve para su defensa. A su vez, es un buen ejercicio para fortalecer sus músculos y estar en forma.

Los animales pueden crear una vinculación afectiva y emocional con los humanos que los protegen y cuidan con amor. Nos llegan a ver como sus padres, esa figura que les brinda seguridad. Por este motivo, redactaré mi escrito, como si así ellos me vieran.


—Papá, ahora deseo jugar con esta flor. Es suave y no molesta en mis dientes.

Candy no se percata, que acaba de cercenar una flor artificial que encontró en un florero. En segundos, le mutiló su tallo verde y parte de sus pétalos.


A mi papá le encanta la música, tiene en la sala unos maderos grandes que suenan lindos. Así que vamos a explorar ese círculo oscuro que emite sonido.

¡Qué has hecho, Candy! Eso no es un tronco para que limes tus uñas, esos son mis parlantes vintage. Me has dañado el ring de espuma de la bocina de baja frecuencia.

Tras mi regaño, salgo unos minutos al cuarto. Al llegar, lo veo raspando una silla de la cocina. Esta muestra las huellas de las uñas de Pantera, quien ha tatuado ese vinil de color olivo por años; pero Candy aprende rápido y ha querido sumar nuevas marcas.


Pasada unas horas, tras un derroche de sus hormonas, se sienta al piso, me mira con tranquilidad y me maúlla, dejándome saber: -Papá, ya es hora de mi almuerzo. Le doy las bolitas de pollo y pescado que tanto le gustan. Tras llenar su pancita, se vuelve a acostar.



Me gustaría saber qué sueña, y todo lo que pasa por su conciencia. Pero lo que sí estoy seguro, es que cuando vuelva a despertar, nadie podrá saber el objeto que escogerá para volver a cazar, jugar o raspar.

¿Les pasa algo parecido con sus gatos? ¿Qué han destruido en sus casas? Saludos a todos 😍.

Own photos. Camera/Fotos propias. Cámara: Canon EOS Rebel T5i

Text divider. Free use from/Separador de Texto. Uso libre de @eve66
Text by/Texto por Andrés Brunet


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A baby full of mischief. Poor panther, I can imagine what she's thinking!


That's right, Candy is always up to mischief, he is very curious and investigative. He wants to know everything. Panther, with her age, wants tranquility but the new pet came to steal her space and her calm. Greetings
