Unos Caballos en unidad-A few horses in drive
Since we take a step of courage, of love and helping each other, it is from there that we reach and see the victories traced in our daily lives. That is why in this story is where we see, that it is not about who wins the race but about who really fought for victory.
In the south west of Texas, there are a large number of horses of different colors and with extraordinary qualities. They were known as a great herd that kept them together. When the most opportune moment arrived to run in a stadium where they played; who was the fastest in which at the time of highlighting his great runs, each of them gave their best.
The first horse was called Ramón, who was brown in color and had a black tail, he had light brown eyes, which when looking at him conveyed union and courage. There was another that his name was Manuel, inside him, he managed to capture the attention of the public that saw him, he was white, thus giving purity and kindness. But there was another called Raymond, as his name was a little common, he was a red horse, but inside his eyes you could see his pride and self-centeredness.
One day they were all prepared and ready to start the race, it was a special moment and they gave what they had inside them. At that instant they are about to leave and begin. He says: Raymond with great pride, this for me is the easiest thing I could do, give everything you have; It won't help them win the race anyway. Ramón answers: in life it only comes from the union and courage that we have, to achieve what we dream of so much. Manuel says: When I see that I am at that point of victory, I see that each one gives their best and that makes me happy, even if I lose the race.
At that moment Raymond came into consciousness and reflected and saw; that in life it is not about who is the best or who is ahead of you, but about taking from our hearts the good things that make us gentle, kind and help the other without any interest.
Por eso quiero invitar a dos personas a esta gran iniciativa @wbrandt
That's why I want to invite two people to this great initiative @wbrandt.
Estos caballos nos sorprenden por sus lecciones; fueron capaces de asimilar lo verdaderamente valido en la vida.