Maximising your current wardrobe: A guide to achieving timeless and unique styles on a budget



Finding what to wear can be quite an hassle sometimes, even though you have a wardrobe full of clothes. Infact that may be just the reason why you're finding it it hard to choose an outfit, although we'll talk about that another time, this post is just to teach you how to make what you have work for you.

I used to think that if I didn't have enough money and I mean plenty money, I couldn't look good. What I didn't realise was that if I didn't start dressing up now, I won't start dressing up when I have money. Well, Thank God I realised that sooner 😅 because its changed my perspective of alot of things.




One of my favourite fashion influencers once said "if your outfit isn't interesting by colour, it should be interesting by shape, if it's not interesting by shape, then it should be interesting by fabric or structure". She's simply saying that there are 3 basic criterias for choosing an outfit; colour, shape and structure.


To buttress what that influencer said, here's a picture of mine which I took for my birthday last year. The whole outfit cost me zero naira (Nigerian currency) to pull of, I say this because I already had them. The top was a sweatshirt which I got from a friend as a birthday gift, I loved it's colour and shape, the bottom was just a random suspender skirt I had lying around, I picked it because I saw that it had potential, how? it's colour.

The boots were interesting in both colour and style (you could say that it is the star of the outfit), I decided to go with it and it didn't disappoint, it pulled the whole look together, sort of like elevating it. I could have worn a pair of Sneakers or flats but because I pictured the kind of look I was going for in my head, I needed to achieve it and I did that just by putting these 3 and other things together.
I think its safe to say that I was able to achieve the 3 criteria colour, shape and structure in this outfit.

Now you could say that styling isn't hard for me because I'm an experienced stylist, while that is true, I also didn't get there overnight. I've had so many fashion failures that have even traumatised me myself 😂
So yeah,everything is a process in life, and knowing how to dress up and look presentable is one of them.



The point is, you do not need to break the bank to look good. You can make do with what you have and if you don't have some fashion basics you should get them to elevate your wardrobe, and they don't cost too much, that's why they are called basics. There is no rule in fashion, you just need to know and have these basics.

Think of creating an outfit like you're cooking a meal, you put 2 to 3 or even up to 10 ingredients together to make that one delicious meal, do that too when deciding your outfits and not leaving out accessories.
Most of us think of an outfit as just one thing you wear, if you look at it this way, it's gonna be not just hard for you to choose what to wear but also tiring. Make sure that the end result looks pleasing and it beautifully compliments your body.

Watch out for my next post as I will be talking about the basics that every lady should have in her wardrobe and also how to style them.

Thank you for taking your time to read my post 😊

0.000 PAL