
As parents, we must try to instill discipline in children as early as possible, we can interpret discipline as obeying or obeying the rules, these rules can vary, there are religious rules, rules in the family, rules at school or rules in society that apply and are binding. We all.
Remember that the good or bad life of a nation and state in the next 10 years 20 years 30 years depends on how we educate and discipline our children today.


Remember that they will be the ones who will lead in our place, those who will pray for us, they will be the ones who will care for and love us when we are old and old. . . .

It's natural that maybe today we feel tired, tired and embarrassed in educating our children but it is known that they are still children, they still need guidance and patience.

Our attitude and patience are tested in educating them, they are a mandate that we must be responsible for in the future before God, we will not be separated from our responsibility as parents who have given birth and of course raised them...

There are several strategies or ways that we can do as parents in instilling discipline in children from an early age, among these ways and strategies are:

  1. Set an Example for Children
    Our children are the best imitators!! so set an example and do the discipline behavior you want to instill first, children learn from imitating and seeing our behavior or actions as parents, so before ordering or ordering children, set an example by giving an example!!!


  1. Rules must be clear and directed
    The rules or discipline that we want to instill must be stated clearly so that what we hope for will be achieved.
    Use positive sentences, avoid negative sentences. The command begins with the words don't and shouldn't make sure the child understands our expectations. Children who are under the age of 7 still cannot understand abstract words, so when instilling discipline in children the words must be clear and firm that they are easy to understand.
  1. Parents Must Be Firm
    Discipline is to educate firmly but not violently!!!
    when we enforce 1 rule as parents then be firm the word no means nothing when the rules make sense and as parents we believe that the child is capable of doing it then there is no reason to give him firm tolerance doesn't mean you have to be harsh or inhuman


firm in giving sanctions that breastfeed when a child violates this gift of heart, it should be in accordance with the type of violation, sanctions also need to be given as soon as possible, do not delay so that children remember and understand the example of when a child throws garbage carelessly. The right sanction is to ask the child to pick it up and throw it in a place trash using violence is to impose punishment both verbally and physically, experts state that punishment may be able to discipline children, but the child's obedience and discipline is only when we supervise but when we do not have children violate it, the other impact is that the child will increasingly stubborn or resisting and not working with the punishment given.


  1. Continuous
    To shape children's behavior requires habituation or continuity, as well as instilling discipline, apply repeatedly if a rule is not enforced consistently, so the results will not be consistent, positive character habituation is also important for children. positive character traits are positive behavior as well as discipline instilling positive characters must start early....

The most important thing in educating children is to instill character or shape their character first and then knowledge, so as parents we must pay attention to our time and efforts in educating children from the start, we must emphasize the formation of positive characters.


My message to parents wherever they are.... Never Tired To educate, nurture and hone smart children with various positive characters, various knowledge and good morals because they are our hope, they are our future, they are the generation that will replace us.

Hopefully the strategies and methods that I have mentioned above can be useful in educating and disciplining all of our children. Children are everything to us, our future depends on our success in educating and disciplining them.
