There Is Always Better


I’ve been awfully quiet today because for the very first time, I witnessed someone I truly care about make a terrible decision in life. I could have said something to prevent it from happening but I just stood there and watched her choose the wrong thing. I’m not calling myself experienced of any sort but one thing I’ve always known is to never settle for less no matter what.

About a year ago, I was in the same situation. Today felt like a flashback in a different environment. The opportunity which presented itself to me was very shiny, yet conditional. The conditions that came with it were against my morals and everything I ever believed in. Honestly, I was desperate but I didn’t need any prophet to tell me I was looking at a wolf in a sheep’s clothing. I decided to let it go and wait for something better.

I understand that sometimes, waiting is very hard and it almost feels as if time is running out. Especially when there is no sign of you getting what you want. During those times, you get desperate and jump into whatever comes your way. If there’s anything I’ve learned about opportunities, they are all doors but some doors only open to your doom.

A lot of people have made mysterious calendars for their lives. If I’m not here or there by age 30, I’ve failed. If I don’t get this by age this…. Funny part is, most people make these calendars based on what they see, forgetting not everything they see is actually as it is.

In the end, when their plan is not going as expected, they really don’t mind walking into certain doors to mark things off their calendars and in doing so, they settle for less. And no, less isn’t always literally less. Less could be something against your morals. Less could be something that makes you hate yourself. Less could be something that goes against your existence.

I’m a little sad that my friend is going to learn the hard way. I wish I could rewind back time and let her see beyond her desperation what she was doing wrong. Anytime you are in a situation where you feel like settling for less or just anything that comes your way, remember the patient dog eats the fattest bone isn’t just something they say. Truly, there are many fruits that can be reaped from being patient and on top of that list is you getting what you deserve.

Images are mine

0.000 PAL


Commenting from my high horse.... 🍿 🥤 💺

0.000 PAL

Stay up there o

0.000 PAL

Never planning on coming down ✌🏿

0.000 PAL

I see so many people around me rushing into decisions just because they feel pressured by time or expectations. It’s hard to stay patient when it feels like everyone else is moving ahead, but I’ve also learned that not every opportunity is worth taking if it means losing yourself.

0.000 PAL

Exactly. Not every opportunity is worth taking and that’s what we all need to understand.

0.000 PAL

Let them choose what they want and the experience they encounter is the one who teach them and hoping that they will get a good learning from that experience

0.000 PAL

I guess people have to learn the hard way sometimes.

0.000 PAL

Best regards @abenad
Interesting dissertation you shared with us, it is colorful and bittersweet, because when we sincerely value friends and wish the best for them, sometimes we do not share or endorse their decisions. But even if we look with good eyes beyond their noses and in our suggestions try to raise awareness, with regret we must accept the decision they make.
Thank you for your valuable insights, we appreciate them. Health and well-being !LUV

Cordiales saludos @abenad
Interesante disertación la que nos compartes y realmente es colorida y agridulce, porque cuando valoramos sinceramente a los amigos, y deseamos lo mejor para ellos, a veces no compartimos ni avalamos sus decisiones. Pero aunque miremos con buenos ojos más allá de sus narices y en nuestras sugerencias tratemos de concientizarlos, con pesar debemos aceptar la decisión que tomen.
Gracias por sus valiosos puntos de vista, los apreciamos. Salud y bienestar.

0.000 PAL

Yeah, we sometimes have to accept their decisions and wish them the best.

0.000 PAL

Experience they say is the best teacher. But the time wasted and the pain that comes with the realization isn't talked about enough. I feel sorry for your friend. I really hope she realizes soon enough before it's too late

0.000 PAL

I thought the same too. I just hope she realizes it soon.

0.000 PAL