Drawing exercise of glass and flowers.




Hello art lovers. With a feeling of relative joy I share one of my many drawings that I do from time to time. To draw I need to have certain or motivation, I see that working desire with that thought of motivation or sincere desire to do something is not giving me much fruit. At some point I should create some kind of routine for this and thus be able to create much more art and at the same time generate that feeling, that feeling of freedom and satisfaction that creating something art gives us.

When I started looking for the idea of ​​doing this drawing I felt quite unhealthy, I had one of those crazy flu that take away your appetite, doing this drawing I wanted to stop thinking about my ailments. Although an old pencil and paper can't eliminate our pains, it can take our minds off what weighs us down. In the end, it is one of the qualities that art has, since art gives a lot to our lives, like having fun within reach of a pencil is freedom. The flowers and the glass, a typical table decoration that a crazy lady with a bad sense of aesthetics would put on, it is better to leave those spaces free to make the most of the space, but hey, everyone with their crazy tastes.

From an early age, everything we learn to do we learn by imitation, we are never born with a well-developed ability to draw, it's the same thing we learn by imitating our reality, all cartoonists and painters use references to create art of course, there are exceptions like those artists who They like to make abstractions or surrealism, they invent what they are going to capture on their canvas or paper, it is all their fantasy. Of course, what I do is far from that, I am totally figurative, that's why I use two references to make this drawing. More than a drawing, it is more a study of the implementation of the volumes, because I know that I am very bad at giving that perception of three-dimensionality in my drawing, a criticism that I always make to myself that what I draw lacks a good volume and consistency are things that I have to continue working on and achieve the progress that I want, I must start creating an action plan to be able to carry out better works.

It has always been very difficult to express myself, or tell something through hive because I am a person who likes to keep things to himself, there are few times that I want to highlight something about myself, but I will be working to bring good content to the platform. Well I leave you with the process of my exercise below.



Until the next opportunity, friends and thanks for the support, I am very grateful, excellent day, afternoon or night wherever you have read my publication.


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