Wisdom From Anon: Individuality is Being Exterminated


Let's Start Off With..

The National Identities of Arsetrailer & the Seppos were Based on Patriotic Pride & Notions of "Exceptionalism."

In this article, Wisdom from Anon introduces the readers to Meeting the End of the Road for any beliefs in 'exceptionalism'.

I share a few more excerpts & quotes in support of Anon's Wisdom and then abruptly leave readers to their own devices. There wont be nothing long or strong here, nuthin' intended for setting off down deep hidden tunnels so you can lay siege against the enemy covertly. Nunna that because time for bravery is loooong gone now.

Think of this a thematic record instead. A curated selection of materials which carry a shared theme throughout. It could stir wistful feelings inside or it could induce dreary indifference. I hope it would touch different facets of your senses than most of what else is out there. If it doesn't evoke much of anything then leave me criticisms aplenty instead. Go hard, son, use this opportunity here to air grievances. Air it out, get spicy and sharp if so included. Reading my articles should relieve readers to some degree 😊

Order Followers & Exposing Injustices

But I will purposefully disrespect the Glorious Pomp of The Military Industrial Complexes most willing attack dogs. Dying at the peak bloom and vigour of strength is a travesty unto life and our ancestral memory. Ritual Warfare is the oldest trick in the book...

Australian Defence Force Army Lawyer Jailed for Whistleblowing On Australian Army War Crimes Against Afghanis

Fugitive Journalist Shane Dowling gives an excellent report on David McBride's imprisonment after whistleblowing against the murderous acts /warcrimes committed by other soldiers deployed from "exceptional" nations.

Rather than accept a truth of Aussie Military personnel being exposed as actual murderous war criminals, our nation preferred to wallow in a resolute and long-standing immorality. Instead of reporting the facts of what I consider as the most shameful treatment of a patriotic military man in this country ever, Arsetrailer deftly deployed digital kabuki theatre to distract us instead.

E-Karen Julia Inman-Grant (A Stinky Seppo Glow Slag herself, originating from a family of Military Intelligence Spooks) versus Elon Musk took over the reins of Arsetrailer's two cent attention span. The Canberra Uni-Party Cabal even managed to sneak in a much maligned Digital ID bill during the fanfare of Federal Budget announcements too. No one really seemed to notice because Arsetrailerns are "Yeah, nah. She'll be right, mate." Makes me shrug in bemusement..

Some Boomers Do Strike Deep and True

Mike House's Latest Blog Post

Why can’t we just talk openly?
May 15, 2024

A new CEO asked this question of his senior staff, one of whom I’m coaching at the moment. His belief is that people should be able to raise issues and talk openly about them with each other. But people don’t. Simply saying that they should, regardless of good intent, won’t change people’s minds.

There’s been a history in the organisation of people raising issues and experiencing significant backlash. There’s been people actively working to boost their reputation while tearing others down. There's been gossip and blame. People are accustomed to bad outcomes when they speak openly about problems. There’s nothing in recent history that suggests doing so would be good or safe.

To change that will take more than words. It will take building trust and psychological safety. That will likely mean starting with relatively small and inconsequential pieces and building up to the bigger stuff. It will take some courage and accountability.

All that can be achieved reasonably quickly, but simply saying it won’t make it so.

The Silent Takeover: Ted Gioia on AI's Threat To Music

Timestamped Y00tube video link starts @ 45min in

"But what I told him - and this is important - I said "you gotta realize that we wont get the long history of decline or the Roman Empire collapse or whatever. But infact, the more common thing in society is not decline, it's stagnation. It's stagnation but for a long period it seems like nothing new happens."

"I do think that there's a risk not that we're in some situation of collapse... Civil War.. I don't rule that off. But infact the more prevalent risk, the more dangerous risk is that as a culture we're entering a long period of stagnation in which everything got reduced to a formula and the formulas start to feel boring."

Wisdom From Anon


1/2 Everything now is an extremely cheap copy of something else. And when you repeatedly copy something and make copies of the copies, it degrades. Its what has happened to our culture, our politics, our genetics, everything.


2/2 Its gotten to the point the system is trying to exterminate individualism again because it makes the copies look so bad.


I actually took some pride in my job

This, in a nutshell, is what society has lost. When you make it so that every single human interaction is 10 0% transactional, this is the end result, and everything we see around us flows from it.


The value of the argument doesn't matter. Social media has reduced dialectics into numbers. All that matters are the bots inflating the likes of the post.


Remember, you're the bad guy!

0.109 PAL


Well, when it comes to the decisive moment, opposition to what is right and proper needs to be overcome, by whatever means is necessary. Since reason won't work, which can be established by attempting it, whatever does work will be employed.


0.000 PAL

True, we are losing our freedom bit by bit in the land down under.

0.000 PAL